Building our new home: the first steps


We're very excited about the new facility we are currently building, and we'd like to share with you what's been happening, as the greenfield next to our current building is turned into our new production space. We hope you enjoy seeing the progress - don't forget to check back regularly to learn about latest developments! To begin with, here's an introduction to Quantifoil's home as it has been for the last decade, and some pictures celebrating the start of the development. 

Before it began
Kay and the mayor
Our managing director, Kay Pfennighaus, the local mayor, Anja Isserstedt-Theilig and the architect, Ralf Bathke, breaking ground on the new complex. 
Kay and the mayor

Our managing director, Kay Pfennighaus, the local mayor, Anja Isserstedt-Theilig and the architect, Ralf Bathke, breaking ground on the new complex.

We hope you enjoyed this introduction to the site - pop back in a couple of weeks to find out what happened next!